World Geography: Cultural and Physical Course Description
The World Geography: Cultural and Physical class will cover the cultural and physical aspects of world geography. There are five “fundamental themes of geography” which every student should investigate and know. These five themes are human movement on the earth, regions of the earth, the location of the continents and countries on the earth, human interaction with the earth, and the place, or physical attributes of each region on the earth. Throughout this course, using textbook reading assignments, cultural recipes, in-class native land visitors, and in-class captivating photos, videos, and PowerPoint slides, Mrs. Coffey invites students to explore the world.
Mrs. Coffey has traveled to six continents and will share experiences from her travels in the live class. If God should choose to call any of her students to the mission field in the future, she wants them to be equipped and prepared to understand the culture and the land to which they are sent.
Students will learn the names and locations of every continent and country, and become familiar with the capitals, bodies of water, mountain ranges and all aspects of the wonderful world that God has made.
Students will be expected to prepare foods at various times throughout the year, using the Aramini cookbook and various recipes of the student’s choice from each continent/geographical area. Parental help and involvement is perfectly fine!
Grade Levels
- 9th – 12th grade
- None
- BJU University Press: Cultural Geography, fifth edition (may be used or new)
- BJU University Press: Cultural Geography Activities, fifth edition (consumable)
(suggested options for purchase:;; - Rand McNally Atlas of World Geography, 6th Edition (suggested options for purchase:
- Eat Your Way Around the World by Jamie Aramini (suggested options for purchase:;
Students will also need access to a computer with Internet access, a printer, scanner (can be on a phone), microphone and camera.
World Geography: Cultural and Physical Course Outline
- Beginning in week one, students will learn about using maps, latitude and longitude, geographical features and names.
- From there, the class will cover one continent at a time throughout the year, learning the countries, geographical features, cultures and capitals.
- The course ends with a study of the oceans of the earth and their interesting geographical features.
Estimated Workload
- Time spent each week for class is difficult to determine since the individual student’s reading speed and abilities may vary. We do read approximately one chapter each week with map work included.