Student Orientation

Welcome to MyFunScience!

Here's some information to help you get started quickly and easily.

What is Schoology?

Schoology will be the student’s main portal for all their classes with MyFunScience.

Schoology is a learning management system for schools that enables its students to manage their class resources. Native mobile applications are also available for iOS, Android, and Kindle devices in addition to the primary web-based application.

Each student will have their own account and login information in the MyFunScience Schoology Learning System – even if your family has multiple students with MyFunScience.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

For class questions:

  • If you have a question about a class, please contact your teacher using their contact infomation on their class pages in Schoology or through their contact form on their teacher page.

For other support questions:

  • If you have questions or comments related to MyFunScience in general, please send us a message through our contact form. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
  • You can also send us a message through our online chat at the bottom of any page. Please note that our online chat system is not always available. If the chat is not available, please use the contact form.

Thank you for being a part of MyFunScience. We hope you have a wonderful school year!