About MyFunScience
Our Beliefs
Our teachers have years of professional and teaching experience. Each of our teachers care deeply about making sure your student feels welcome to explore and discover. Our calling is to create an environment where learning difficult subjects can be fun, engaging, and applicable to your child’s future!
- We believe a well rounded STEM curriculum is critical to each student’s success in school, college, and life.
- Our future generations and future job markets require solution-oriented thinkers and the skills provided by STEM training.
- Working through science and math curriculums provide lifelong skills to enhance your student’s ability to deeply and richly engage in any academic and professional arena they choose!
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." - Proverbs 25:2
What does MyFunScience provide homeschool families?
MFS offers live online science, math, and technology classes - both core classes and electives - taught from a Biblical worldview.
Our teachers have expertise in their subject matter and experience teaching live online classes.
All homework, assignments, quizzes, and tests are graded by the teacher, and the teachers are available outside of class for extra help.
We offer 16 core high school classes that are accredited by the NCAA.
View CoursesWhy enroll in online classes with MyFunScience?
We recognize that science and math oriented subjects can sometimes be more challenging to teach without subjectmatter expertise.
Our science and math programs are designed to come along your side to enhance the value of learning through live online classes with the flexibility of the homeschool lifestyle.
We believe that our true God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is the author and perfecter of our faith. He is the creator of all the universe and all its vast mysteries, which he beckons us to discover and to glorify Him through our learning!
Our teachers have hearts for the Lord as well as your children, and they aim to instruct the heart as well as the mind bringing God’s word into the class room as the sovereign creator - God, who is the Alpha and the Omega.
Meet the TeachersWhen do the online classes meet?
Classes are either single semester or full year.
The Fall semester begins in late August, and the Spring semester begins in early January.
Classes meet once per week for 90 minutes.
If your student is unable to attend a live class, all classes are recorded and are available to watch shortly after the live class is over.
View the ScheduleHow do the live classes work?
Students will login to our online Learning Management System where they will have access to all of their class materials and grades, and be able to submit homeschool assignments and take quizzes and tests.
Students can attend the live classes where they will have streaming audio and video of the teacher.
Students can communicate in class using the on-screen monitored group chat. Students can also answer questions using their computer microphone, but no webcam is needed.
A dedicated technical support specialist is available during school hours.
Class DemoWhere do students attend online classes and submit assignments?
Our teachers use either AdobeConnect or Zoom for their live online classes meetings.
Students manage all their MFS class resources (like grades, assignments, quizzes, etc.) through our online learning management system.
View More FAQsHomeschool Group Partnerships
MyFunScience offers unique homeschool partnerships to middle school & high school homeschool groups or co-ops.
We recognize that science and math oriented subjects can sometimes be more challenging to teach in a group without subject matter expertise. Our homeschool group partnership brings our teachers’ expertise with your groups’ teachers and volunteer parents to provide additional dedicated online training for these Science and Math classes. Our programs are designed to come along side your group to enhance the values of learning together within the flexibility of the homeschool lifestyle.
We provide customized discounts for any of our homeschool group partnerships – helping you bring the most value possible to your families.
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