Marine Biology

Marji McIlvaine
Wednesday 1PM (ET)


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About the Marine Biology Online Course

This class is not being offered during the 2024/2025 school year.

Dive in deep! In Marine Biology, we explore a fascinating subject in some depth, and the student has a chance to fall in love with the oceans God has created. We learn about the crucial role they play in sustaining life on our planet and begin to understand the intricate relationships involved. Everywhere we look we see the Creator’s fingerprints: marine wildlife and habitats, marine creature anatomy, microscopic organisms, intertidal zones, coral reefs, deep ocean communities, etc.

Students will turn in a minimum of seven full lab reports as assignments on labs chosen by the teacher — some labs will be done at home with teacher direction. Other labs will be done virtually — students will have required lab reports on these labs also.

Importance will be placed on students understanding scientific inquiry, the scientific method, and the resulting science lab reports. The lab reports required cement the applied learning and help the students own and understand the material, as well as undergird the rigor of the teaching that illustrates achievement for college transcript material. The teaching will move beyond the textbook to video observations of undersea life, live camera feeds, independent research on various elements of Marine Biology, a semester project (video or alternative), and more.

Grade Levels

  • 10-12

Marine Biology Course Prerequisites:

  • High school Biology is required to take this class.

Course Materials:

  1. Apologia Exploring Creation with Marine Biology (2nd edition), ISBN 978-1-940110-95-0

    Not required: Student Lab Book/Workbook, Instructional DVD, tests, solutions manual, slides, dissection kit

  2. ‘Marine Biology Coloring Book’ by Thomas Niesen
  3. ISBN-10: 006273718X
  4. ISBN-13: 978-0062737182
  5. Composition Book to use for a Lab Journal. This should have graph paper instead of lined paper, and can generally be found at WalMart or similar stores for about $1.00.
  6. SOME lab kit materials (list accessible to registered students)
  7. Students will need a headset microphone.

Marine Biology Course Outline:

  • Oceans of Our Planet
  • Life in the Sea
  • The First Four Kingdoms
  • Marine Invertebrates 1
  • Marine Invertebrates 2
  • Marine Vertebrates 1
  • Marine Vertebrates 2
  • Marine Ecology
  • The Intertidal Zone
  • Estuary Communities
  • Coral Reefs
  • Continental Shelf Communities
  • The Epipelagic Zone
  • The Deep Ocean
  • Ocean Resources
  • Effects of Humans on the Sea


“Throughout this short year you not only taught me about science, the ocean, and the creatures in it, you also taught me about the magnificent creator behind it all!! Thank you for always pointing everything back to our amazing God! I know that when I go to college I will most likely have teachers that won’t point me to our creator or recognize his handywork, but I’m thankful I had you to do that. I will truly never forget this class or you. It was by far my favorite class I’ve ever taken, and I have a love and interest in the ocean and creatures in it that I didn’t have before! I’ll miss Wednesdays with you, and I hope you have the best Summer ever!! :)”

“Dear Mrs. Mcllvaine, THANK YOU!!!! Jaden has thoroughly enjoyed your class and has learned a lot but most importantly to us as a family, is the love of learning he’s had while in your class. THANK YOU for the life lessons he’s learned while being in your class as well. He’s learned how to be responsible and truly cares about turning in his assignments and the grades he’s received. We’ve seen him mature in this last semester with you. Praise God for you desire to teach the next generation about His truths and sovereignty over ALL. We will be signing him up for next semester as well. (His request)”

“I am so thankful to have found you as a teacher for Marine Biology for my son this year. He was fairly sure that he wanted to pursue a degree in Marine Biology, so we wanted him to take a class to ensure that that was the correct direction for him. He has really enjoyed your class and has worked hard. It confirmed that he really would like to pursue this field.”

“My favorite part of this course has been the labs and interactions in class.”

“Thank you again for the blessing that was this class.”

“Thank you for this class year. It was amazing a little stressful because of my other classes. However, when it came to your class i was excited and (wanted) to go to your class. I was actually sad like really sad on the days I would miss class. You have helped me grow closer to God and showed me something that i would be interested in when it comes to a future job. Thank you again. I will miss your class, but I would like to keep it touch with you if that’s fine. Anyways thanks for an amazing year!”

Marji McIlvaine

Marji McIlvaine (and her husband Rick) homeschooled their six children from K-12, even though she was just going to “try it for one year” with her first five-year-old. The children are all graduated and several are college graduates (2 Magna Cum Laude, 1 Summa Cum Laude). Some of the children are in college now, and some are in the work force, each one walking a God-directed pathway.

Marji has a B.A. in Spanish from the University of Florida, with graduate hours in linguistics and testing and assessment (ECU). Marji began her college career as a pre-veterinary major and garnered many college hours enjoying science.

Growing up in south Florida, she went to SeaCamp in the FL Keys where her passion for marine science was ignited through snorkeling, scuba diving and the hands-on study of ocean life.

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