Intermediate Composition Course Description
Intermediate Composition has a strong focus on grammar and punctuation while practicing creativity through various essay forms. The course guides students to apply pre-writing strategies to help discern what to write. They will benefit from the continued review, reinforcement, and practice of stylistic rules and customary usage to help avoid common pitfalls. Students will discover the basic requirements of each essay, whether a single paragraph or a research paper, and will learn about using MLA formatting with citations.
Grade Levels
- 8th – 10th grades
- Students should have basic knowledge of proper sentence construction and forming paragraphs. Some experience with writing 5-paragraph essays will prove beneficial.
Intermediate Composition Curriculum
Writers, Inc, 2006 edition
by Patrick Sebranek
Great Source Education Group
Hardcover: ISBN: 9780669529944
Softcover: ISBN: 9780669529951 -
Jensen’s Punctuation: A Complete Guide to All Your Punctuation Needs
by Frode Jensen. Master Book Publishers, 2016.
ISBN: 9780890519943 -
Jensen’s Format Writing: How to Write Easily and Well
by Frode Jensen; Master Book Publishers, 2016.
ISBN: 978089051992
Intermediate Composition Course Outline
- Week 1: Paragraph Writing; Sentence and Fragment Review
- Week 2: Personal Narrative Essay; I, c/c, I Sentence Pattern Form
- Week 3: Writing Clear Sentences; Personal Narrative Review; I sub I Sentence Pattern
- Week 4: Descriptive Essay, Expanding and Combining sentences; Sub I, I Sentence Pattern
- Week 5: Descriptive Essay, Problems with Run-ons; 3-point Thesis; I; I Sentence Pattern
- Week 6: Process Essay; Writing Introductory Paragraphs; I; c/a, I Sentence Pattern
- Week 7: Process Essay; Conclusion Paragraphs; Punctuation Combinations
- Week 8: Project (Process Essay); Transitional Words; Review Punctuation Patterns
- Week 9: Project; Example Essay; 7-Sentence Skeleton Review; General Punctuation Rules
- Week 10: Project; Example Essay; Body Paragraph Construction; General Punctuation Rules
- Week 11: Comparison Essay; General Punctuation Rules
- Week 12: Comparison Essay; Improving Choppiness; General Punctuation Rules
- Week 13: Impromptu Essay; Complex Sentences; General Punctuation Rules
- Week 14: Impromptu Essay; Citations Review; General Punctuation Rules
- Week 15: Impromptu Timed Essay; Punctuation Review; Semester exam
Estimated Workload
- Varies; 30-60 minutes (up to five days/week)