Creation Science

Chris Leingang
Monday 3PM (ET) - Spring 2025

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Creation Science Course Overview:

How did we get here? What is the origin of life?

Many people, both in the scientific community and general population, believe evolution by natural selection is one of the best substantiated theories in the history of science, but is that really true?

Through this Creation Science course, students will critically examine the evidence for and against evolution, including foundational mechanisms, statistical probabilities, and, of course, the fossil evidence. The combination of text, video and discussion should make this class both informative and enjoyable.

At the conclusion of the course, students will have the knowledge and experience needed to answer, for themselves, the question: How did we get here?

I expect a lot from my students – but I give a lot too! Like so many things in life, what you get out of this class will be in direct proportion to what you put into it. In other words, if you work hard, you will learn lots and have fun doing it. It is important that you keep up on your weekly assignments; we have a lot of material to cover and only 15 class sessions to do it in.


  • No prerequisites

Grade Levels

  • 10-12


Required Equipment

Course Topics

  • The Origin of Life
  • Evolutions False Start
  • Darwin’s False Mechanism
  • Natural Selection
  • Introduction to the Fossil Record
  • Invertebrates, Fish and Bats
  • Pinnipeds and Flying Reptiles & Creation Astronomy
  • Dinosaurs and Whales & The Evidence of Cosmology
  • Birds & Exploring Evolution
  • Plants & The Evidence of Physics and Astronomy
  • DNA and Proteins & The Evidence of Biochemistry
  • Amino Acids & The Evidence of Biological Information
  • The Young Earth & Points of Controversy
  • Decision Time & Why Genesis Matters

Chris Leingang

The desire to be a teacher was birthed in Chris Leingang during his 8th grade year. After graduating high school, Chris entered college with that desire still burning inside. In 1996, Chris graduated from Portland State University with a B.S. in Science with an emphasis in Chemistry and Physics and then went on to graduate from Concordia University, Portland with an M.A.T. in Secondary Education in 1998.

Mr. Leingang's teaching experience spans both middle school and high school in both the private and public sector. He has had the opportunity to teach a wide variety of subjects including General Science, Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics, Forensic Anatomy and American Government. Chris was later called into full-time Christian ministry with Lutheran Brethren Youth Ministries, where he led teams of young adults as they worked in church-planting and outreach.

Mr. Leingang's passion for teaching had not left but had been refocused on ministry, missiology and church leadership. As with most teachers, his passion for teaching is coupled with a passion for learning. Hence, it was no surprise, when in 2002, he enrolled in seminary.

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