Javascript (Self-paced)

Anna Pollard




This self-paced Javascript course provides clear, comprehensive coverage of JavaScript with a user-friendly approach that builds from the basics. Prior knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 is strongly recommended. We recommend the Web Development course as a prerequisite to this self-paced course.

Detailed explanations of key concepts and skills make even challenging topics accessible to all students. Case scenarios and case problems place the basic most complex concepts within an understandable and practical context. Students develop important problem-solving skills as they work through realistic exercises.

Topics include:

  • Arrays, loops, and conditional statements
  • Methods for form validation and e-commerce
  • Coverage of custom objects, properties, and methods used in object-oriented programming.
  • Intro to UI Frameworks with Svelte

Students will have access to an instructor via phone or email for help with an assignment as needed.

A bonus unit called “An Introduction to UI Frameworks using Svelte – containing seven additional class videos – is also included with this course.

Students will need to install Visual Studio Code – a free code editor – on a computer.

Anna Pollard

Anna Pollard began her professional career in the graphic and web design industry as a Creative Director in the field of Informational Technology. She has a AAS in Commercial Art and Advertising Design, a BA in Computer Science, and a Masters degree in Business and Marketing.

After 15 years of professional IT work, she made a career change to share her technology knowledge with students and began a career in teaching for many years.

Anna is married, has a 27 year old son whom she also home schooled, and who is now a chef at a French restaurant.

Anna has adopted/rescued multiple cats and two horses. In her spare time, she helps with the horses at Love of Lacey Equine rescue in Bunn Level, NC. She is also a member of the Colored Pencil Society of America and creates colored pencil art work for show at local art galleries.

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