Forensic Anatomy

Chris Leingang
Monday 3PM (ET) - Fall 2024


SKU: LEINGANAG-FOAN Category: Tags: ,


Forensic Anatomy Course Overview:

This class is approved by the NCAA.

What is a bone sleuth and how is the study of bones used to solve crimes and help bring closure to families?

This Forensic Anatomy course will address these questions and instruct students how forensic anthropologists are able to determine age, gender, stature, and nationality of human remains.

In addition, students will learn how this important branch of Forensic Science goes beyond the study of fingerprints and blood spatter to help establish time of death, as well as both cause and manner of death in an investigation.

In this course, students will study human anatomy with special emphasis placed on the knowledge and skills used by Forensic Anthropologists by reading accounts of the famed Dr. Bill Bass, who created the world's first laboratory dedicated to the study of human decomposition.

Students will learn basic introductory human anatomy through coloring, a proven method for improving your memory by building strong visual relationships. A variety of online and hands-on activities will supplement the core course curriculum.


  • No prerequisites

Grade Levels

  • 10-12


Required Equipment

  • A list of consumable supplies will be made available to students at the beginning of the semester. Care will be shown to ensure that needed supplies are easy and inexpensive to obtain.

Learning Activities and Experiments

  • While there are several hands on assignments, this class is not considered a lab course.

Course Topics

  • Determining Nationality & Systems of the Human Body
  • Skull Morphology & Skeletal System
  • Using UV Light to Illuminate Identity & Spine & Axial Skeleton
  • Interpreting Teeth and Trauma & Appendicular Skeleton
  • Dealing with Mass Disaster & Muscular System
  • Determining Time Since Death & Torso and Limb Muscles
  • Frontal Sinus Fingerprint, Bite Marks & Circulatory System
  • Forensic Entomology & Pulmonary Circulation
  • Determining Race & Arteries and Veins
  • Electron Microscopy & Respiratory System
  • DNA Evidence & Trachea
  • Searching with Sonar & Nervous System
  • Facial Reconstruction & Digestive System
  • X-Ray examinations & Endocrine, Lymph Systems
  • DNA testing & Course Review

Estimated Workload

Students will cover one chapter in the primary textbook (Beyond the Body Farm) each week and 2 to 4 coloring pages in the secondary textbook (Human Anatomy Coloring Book). In addition an online assignment is given each week to reinforce or expand the learning. Students should expect to spend 30 minutes each day on Forensic Anatomy, but time varies greatly depending on individual aptitude and ability.

Chris Leingang

The desire to be a teacher was birthed in Chris Leingang during his 8th grade year. After graduating high school, Chris entered college with that desire still burning inside. In 1996, Chris graduated from Portland State University with a B.S. in Science with an emphasis in Chemistry and Physics and then went on to graduate from Concordia University, Portland with an M.A.T. in Secondary Education in 1998.

Mr. Leingang's teaching experience spans both middle school and high school in both the private and public sector. He has had the opportunity to teach a wide variety of subjects including General Science, Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics, Forensic Anatomy and American Government. Chris was later called into full-time Christian ministry with Lutheran Brethren Youth Ministries, where he led teams of young adults as they worked in church-planting and outreach.

Mr. Leingang's passion for teaching had not left but had been refocused on ministry, missiology and church leadership. As with most teachers, his passion for teaching is coupled with a passion for learning. Hence, it was no surprise, when in 2002, he enrolled in seminary.

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