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British Literature

Faith Cruz
Thursday 11AM - 12:30PM (ET)

Original price was: $675.00.Current price is: $540.00.


British Literature Course Description

This class is approved by the NCAA.

This course is a survey of British Literature covering various authors and literary movements. Through works such as The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and The Hobbit students will explore a variety of time periods and movements in British Literature. Literature will be examined by analyzing the works for theme, symbolism, plot and characterization. This class stretches students’ abilities to think critically and analyze literature.

This is a high school level course which teaches persuasive writing using British literature as source material. This course will cover one novel each month for a total of eight novels. Students will write eight essays during the year. Other assignments will be completed in preparation for writing. British poetry will also be covered, but no additional resources need to be purchased.

This classical writing program teaches students more than the basics of composition. It also challenges and teaches them to think. Step-by-step instruction makes writing manageable even for students who lack experience or confidence in writing.

Grade Level

  • 9 – 12th Grade


  • N/A


  • Essay 1 / Book 1 / (Anglo-Saxon Medieval Literature) – Beowulf
  • Essay 2 / Book 2 / (Middle English Medieval Literature) – Selections from The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Please read “The General Prologue” and “The Knight’s Tale”
  • Essay 3 / Book 3 / (Middle English Medieval Literature) – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  • Essay 4 / Book 4 / (Renaissance Literature) – Students may choose to read: Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare OR Macbeth, Shakespeare
  • Essay 5 / Book 5 / (English Romanticism) – Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
  • Essay 6 / Book 6 / (Victorian Literature) – Students may choose to read: A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens OR A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
  • Essay 7 / Book 7 / (Victorian Literature) – Students may choose to read: Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte OR Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
  • Essay 8 / Book 8 / (Modern Literature) – Students may choose to read: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien OR Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Please read or watch The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe prior to our first class.

Please begin reading Beowulf prior to our first class.

British Literature Course Outline

  • Anglo-Saxon Medieval Literature (Beowulf)
  • Middle English Medieval Literature (Chaucer and Sir Gawain)
  • Renaissance Literature (Shakespeare)
  • English Romanticism (Austen)
  • Victorian Literature (Dickens, Bronte)
  • Modern Literature (Tolkien, Shaw)

Estimated Workload

  • Five hours per week in addition to class time

Faith Cruz

Faith Engroos Cruz is a former adjunct professor at Duke University who has a passion for language and learning. After graduating from Furman University, she was awarded a coveted Fulbright Teacher's Fellowship, which afforded her the opportunity to spend a year living and teaching in Austria. At the end of the year, she returned to the US, where she completed a master's degree in German.

Faith has taught for thirty-five years, including sixteen years of teaching German and ten years of teaching in an online setting. Along with her love for German music and culture, she has a nerdy love for grammar.

As a homeschool mom, Faith has graduated three children and currently homeschools the last one. She is actively involved in her local church, where she works with the care team and leads a Bible study. When not working with students to develop their love of language, she enjoys reading, swimming, and spending time with friends.

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