
Biblical Survey: God’s Plan of Redemption

Friday 11AM - 12:30PM (ET)

Original price was: $675.00.Current price is: $499.00.

SKU: BAER-BIBLE-1 Category: Tag:


Biblical Survey: God’s Plan of Redemption Course Description

In this Biblical Survey course, we will look at the grand scope of the Bible looking at God’s plan to redeem His people and bring the nations to Himself.

Students will be able to describe the basic storyline of the Bible from creation to our ultimate redemption. We will study the Old Testament in chronological order to gain historical context, while the New Testament will feature the key points of salvation: justification, sanctification and glorification.

Students will gain a Biblical perspective to help interpret suffering and injustice present in our world. They will also identify key elements of God’s character throughout the Bible narrative to give vocabulary for meaningful worship and devotion in their Christian faith.

Grade Levels

  • 5th – 8th grade


  • None


  • Holy Bible – ESV, NKJV, NASB, NLT or NIV
  • More to be determined

Biblical Survey: God’s Plan of Redemption Course Outline

Fall Semester

  • Intro to Biblical Survey
  • Creation: Why did God create us and this earth?
  • Fall: What went wrong?
  • The Flood / Tower of Babel: The making of the nations
  • Covenants: Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David
  • Joseph: Endurance
  • Exodus / Mt Sinai: The original wedding
  • Joshua / Judges: Who’s in charge?
  • David: A man after God’s heart
  • The Psalms: Singing the Torah, prophesying the Messiah
  • Israel and Judah: The ugly split
  • The Prophets: No one listens
  • The Diaspora: Israel scattered
  • John the Baptist: Prepare the way
  • Advent – The Christ child

Spring Semester

  • Incarnation/Emmanuel: why does God come to earth?
  • Matthew: The Hebrew’s gospel
  • Mark: Peter’s gospel
  • John: The beloved’s gospel
  • Luke: the Gentile’s gospel
  • Acts: The Church is born
  • Justification: What did Jesus do for us?
  • Law: If not by works, then what?
  • Romans: Salvation’s message
  • Hebrews: Jesus our High Priest
  • Epistles: Paul and others help the early church
  • Sanctification: Not of this world
  • Suffering and Injustice: Does God care?
  • End Times: The King returns!
  • Glorification: Enjoying heaven’s eternal glory

Estimated Workload

  • Around 4 hours per week, not including live class time.
  • Includes worksheets, discussions, projects and 4 exams in each semester.

Non-Denominational Course

This is a non-denominational course. All theology will remain true to the Nicene Creed. Any Biblical topics studied outside of the Nicene Creed will be explored with the assumption that each person has the right to their own personal beliefs. The expectation is respectful interaction with others that hold to differing and diverse ideals within the Christian faith.